Resources on the Internet
My Substack page:
Articles: "Orestes Brownson, Saint-Bonnet, and Cardinal Newman," "Christopher Columbus Revisited," "St. Luke: The Synagogue and the Church," "The Covid Conspiracy: Psychology of a C.I.A. Psy-Op," "St. Joseph in Genesis," "The vatican II Conspirators," "Venerable Matt Talbot: Hope for Alcoholics," "Prodigal Shepherd: Fr. Pfau, First Priest in Alcoholics Anonymous."
Other works of Brownson on the Internet: (This is my Rumble Page containing several hundred talks by various authors)
The Catholic Encyclopedia: Orestes Brownson
The Spirt-Rapper: An Autobiography.
Brownson Related Material
Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture -Named an inspirational figure by this Notre Dame organization.
Orestes Brownson Council -seeks to help Notre Dame students gain a greater understanding of the Catholic faith.
Miscellaneous Links
The American Chesterton Society -dedicated to the great 20th century literary figure and Catholic convert, G.K. Chesterton. Thanks for the longtime link to the Orestes Brownson Society site.
Evelyn Waugh Website -a solid 20th century Catholic novelist.
The Jacques Maritain Center at Notre Dame -devoted to the famed Catholic convert and Thomistic philosopher, Jacques Maritain. Again, thanks for the longtime link from your website.
New Advent -perhaps one of the most useful sites on the Internet. Contains the entire Catholic Encyclopedia, Summa Theologica, and numerous writings of the Church Fathers.