Brownson's Writings
- "The Mission of America," Brownson's Quarterly Review for October, 1856
- "Jouffroy's Ethical System," Brownson's Quarterly Review for January 1845
- "Newman's Development of Christian Doctrine," BQR for July, 1846 (The Church has no natural history, for she is divine)
- "Influence of Catholic Prayer on Civilization," Brownson's Quarterly Review for July 1848
- "Protestantism Not a Religion" (Brownson's Quarterly Review for January, 1853)
- "The Eclipse of Faith," Brownson's Quarterly Review for October, 1853 (A review of Francis Newman, the younger brother of John Henry Newman)
- "Liberalism and Socialism," Brownson's Quarterly Review for 1855
- "Christianity and the Church Identical," Brownson's Quarterly Review for 1857
- Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus," Outside the Church, No Salvation, Brownson's Quarterly Review for April, 1874
- "Conditional Baptism: Remarks on the Letter 'Sacerdos' to the Editor"
- "Election and Reprobation: The Presbyterian Confession of Faith," BQR 1847 (The Errors of Calvinism)
- Protestantism Developed "Analytical Investigations concerning the Credibility of the Scriptures"
- "You Go too Far," (The Power of the Pope during the Middle Ages), Brownson's Quarterly Review for Jan. 1854
- Brownson Answer's J.V.H. (a Catholic) on His Incorrect Notion of Right," (1853, Brownson's Quarterly Review)
- "The Errors and Superstitions of the Church of Rome: A Dudleian Lecture delivered at Harvard," 1853
- Garneau's History of Canada, Brownson's Quarterly Review for Oct., 1853
- "The Love of Mary," Brownson's Quarterly Review for April, 1853
- "Catholicity in the Nineteenth Century," 1857, Brownson's Quarterly Review
- "Abbe Maret on the Necessity of Divine Revelation; Philosophy and Religion" pt. III (July 1858)
- "The Primacy of Peter," Brownson's Quarterly Review for Oct., 1857
- "Ontologism and Psychologism," July, 1874 (Brownson goes on the offensive against the philosophically unsound Jesuits)
- "Brownson on the Church and the Republic," Jan., 1857 (Brownson answers a Universalist minister)
- Limits of Religious Thought, April, 1860 (Eight Lectures Delivered Before the University of Oxford in 1858 by M. Mansel)
- "Reason and Faith," July, 1856 (A critique of the work by Abbe Collard)
- "The Soul's Activity," Jan., 1860 (The soul's first act is to think and will. But to think what?)
- "Walworth's Gentle Skeptic" (Essays and Conversations on the Authenticity and Truthfulness of the Old Testament Records) July 1863
- "St. Augustine and Calvinism" BQR for July 1863 (What the Catholic Church teaches about the damned)
- "Meditations of St. Ignatius," Brownson's Quarterly Review for July 1862
- "Weninger's Protestantism and Infidelity" Brownson's Quarterly Review for April 1862
- "Maret on Reason and Revelation," Brownson's Quarterly Review January, 1857
- "Lamennais and Gregory XVI," Brownson's Quarterly Review, 1859
- "Equality and Democracy" (A Speech Given at Notre Dame in 1897 by Henry F. Brownson, the son of Orestes Brownson)
- "Protestantism Ends in Transcendentalism," Brownson's Quarterly Review for July, 1846
- "Harmony of Faith and Reason," BQR for January, 1861 (Critique of Judge Baine's book, An Essay on the Harmonious Relations Between Divine Faith and Natural Reason)
- "Nature and Grace," (From the Catholic World for January, 1868)
- "Transcendental Road to Rome," Brownson's Quarterly Review for 1856
- "The Humanists: A Chapter from History" (Brownson's Quarterly Review for January, 1859)
- "The Immaculate Conception" (Brownson's Quarterly Review, October, 1859)
- The "Six Days" of Genesis; Brownson's Quarterly Review for April 1863
- The Giobertian Philosophy, Article 2 (1864)
- The Giobertian Philosophy, Pt. 1; BQR April 1864 (A Review of Vincenzo Gioberti and his Fight against the Modernists)
- The Convert: Or Leaves from My Experience; Brownson's Autobiography (An autobiographic essay of Brownson's intellectual career; Chapters 1-20, 200pp.)
- "Authority in Matters of Faith, Pt. II" (Brownson critiques the erroneous doctine of Egoism; he offers some parting remarks on American Education)
- "Authority in Matters of Faith" (Brownson answers a lawyer who asks, How can a fallible man believe an external infallible authority?)
- "Evangelical Alliance"; January, 1864 (A look at Protestantism in America and its antichristian Makeup)
- The Mysteries of Faith (Brownson refutes Unitarianism, Calvinism, and Jansenism; July 1863)
- Faith and Theology (Brownson's Distinction between Faith "Divine" / and Theology "Human"); January 1863
- The Woman Question, Pt. II (October 1873); this piece is a serious look at the "Woman's Rights Movement," its history and philosophy
- Catholicity, Liberalism and Socialism (A look at the late Spanish Catholic, Donoso Cortes; Brownson's Works, Vol. 20, 1862)
- The Protestant Rule of Faith (Brownson dissects the Protestantism of a Princeton Professor) Catholic World, Jan., 1872
- "Our New Programme" Jan., 1864 (The Review becomes national and Brownson comments on America's destiny)
- Essay in Refutation of Atheism, Pt. III (Brownson's Quarterly Review, April, 1874)
- Essay in Refutation of Atheism, Pt. I (Brownson's Quarterly Review, Oct. 1873)
- Essay in Refutation of Atheism, Pt. II (Brownson's Quarterly Review, Jan. 1874)
- "Liberalism and Progress" Oct., 1864 (Dr. Brownson refutes the liberalism of General Croaker / the beginnings of liberalism)
- Reading and Study of Holy Scripture (October, 1861; Latin Vulgate/King James Version, etc.)
- Various Objections Answered (October, 1861 *Brownson answers his Catholic objectors and answers questions about hell)
- Confiscation and Emancipation, July 1862 (An essay discussing the war and peace powers of the constitution in light of the Civil War)
- An Oration on the Scholar's Mission (college address)
- Porter's Human Intellect, Pt. I
- Vincenzo Gioberti, Art. I (BQR 1850)
- Rationalism and Traditionalism
- Gratry on the Knowledge of God, Pt. I
- Maret on the Necessity of Divine Revelation, Pt I
- Christianity and Positivism (Catholic World, 1871)
- Philosophy of Religion by Vincenzo Gioberti
- Maret on the Necessity of Divine Revelation, Pt II
- The Problem of Causality
- Professor Bascom's Lectures
- Primitive Elements of Thought
- Porter's Human Intellect, Pt. II
- Schools of Philosophy
- Ralph Waldo Emerson's Prose
- Argyll's Rule of Law
- An Old Quarrel
- Gratry's Logic
- Union of Church and State (Catholic World, 1867)
- Pretensions of Phrenology
- Owen's Spiritualism (Catholic World, 1872)
- Primeval Man (Catholic World, 1869)
- Guettee's Papacy Schismatic, part II (Catholic World, 1867)
- Guettee's Papacy Schismatic, part I (Catholic World, 1867)
- Catholicity and Naturalism
- Bishop Fenwick
- The Day-Star of Freedom, BQR for April 1856
- "The Papal Power", from BQR for July, 1860
- "The Reunion of all Christians", BQR for April, 1854
- The Mercersburg Hypothesis
- Ward's Philosophical Introduction
- "The Church and Modern Civilization", BQR for October, 1856
- "The Church an Organism" for BQR, 1858
- Executive Patronage (American President), BQR for 1841
- The English Schism, BQR for October, 1858
- Present Catholic Dangers, BQR for July, 1857
- "The Secular Not Supreme" for the Catholic World, 1871
- Education and the Republic, for BQR January, 1874
- Cardinal Manning's Lectures, BQR for January, 1873
- The School Question
- Constitutional Government (Boston Quarterly Review, 1842)
- Independence of the Church, for Catholic World 1866
- Popular Government, Democratic Review for May 1843
- The Church and Monarchy
- Our Future Policy, BQR for January 1841
- Count Montalembert on England
- Russia and the Western Powers, BQR for January 1855
- Webster's Answer to Hulsemann, BQR for April 1851
- Emancipation and Colonization, BQR for April 1862
- What the Rebellion Teaches, BQR for July 1862
- State Rebellion, State Suicide, BQR for April, 1862
- The Slavery Question Once More, BQR April, 1857
- The Outlook at Home and Abroad
- The Recent Events in France (1800's)
- Slavery and the Incoming Administration, BQR 1857 (Civil War)
- The Political Outlook, BQR 1874
- Sardinia and Rome
- The True Cross (St. Helena)
- Sumner on Fugitive Slaves (Slavery / Civil War)
- The Struggle of the Nation for Life (Just War Theory)
- The Punishment of the Reprobate (Hell)
- Catholicity and Literature
- The Case of Martin Kostza
- The Know-Nothings, part II (freemasonry)
- The Know-Nothings, part I (freemasonry)
- Channing on Social Reform, part II
- Channing on Social Reform
- Aspirations of Nature (a view of nature and the supernatural)
- Cardinal Newman's Reply to Gladstone
- Manahan's Triumph of the Church
- Professor Tyndall's Address
- Hill's Elements of Philosophy
- The Church in the United States
- Mary Queen of Scots (The persecution of Queen Elizabeth)
- Papal Infallibility and Mr. Gladstone
- The Blakes and the Flanagans, BQR for April 1856
- Reforms and Reformers
- The Constitution of the Church
- Home Politics, BQR 1875 (Slavery, Government)
- Archbishop Hughes
- Bismarck and the Church, BQR 1873
- Distribution and the Public Lands
- Abolition Proceedings (slavery / Civil War)
- Schmucker's Psychology
- Banks and Banking: Remarks on Banks and Banking and the Skeleton Project for a National Bank - By a Citizen of Boston, 1840
- Philosophy and Common Sense
- Explanations to Catholics
- A Discourse on Lying
- Foreign Standard Literature
- Lieber's Political Ethics
- Our Indian Policy
- Prospects of the Democracy
- Wordsworth's Poems
- The Next President
- The President's Message and Proclamation
- Abolition and Negro Equality
- Introduction to the National Series
- Parker's Discourse
- The Distribution Bill
- Modern French Literature
- Conversations of an Old Man No. IV
- Conversations of an Old Man No. III
- Conversations of an Old Man No. II
- Conversations of an Old Man No. I
- The Two Brothers; or, Why are you a Protestant? No. 4 (Conclusion)
- The Two Brothers; or, Why are you a Protestant? No. 3
- The Two Brothers; or, Why are you a Protestant? No. 2
- The Two Brothers; or, Why are you a Protestant? No. 1
- Admonitions to Protestants No. 3
- Admonitions to Protestants No. 2
- Catholicity and Political Liberty
- Monastery of La Cava
- Mount St. Mary's College
- Elements of Latin Pronunciation
- Doctrinal Developments
- The Church in the Dark Ages
- The Dublin Review and Ourselves
- Morris on the Incarnation
- H.M. Field's Letter from Rome
- Morell's Philosophy of Religion
- Padre Ventura's Funeral Oration
- Dana's Muck Manual
- Recent European Events
- The Presbyterian Confession of Faith
- Protestantism in a Nutshell
- Politics and Political Parties
- The College of the Holy Cross
- The Christian Register's Objections
- Reply to the Mercersburg Review
- The Sea-Lions
- The Social Effects of Protestantism
- Spanish America
- Sparks on Episcopacy
- St. Stanislaus Kotska
- The Churchy as it was, is, and ought to be
- The Confessional--II
- Thornberry Abbey : a Tale of the Times
- Thornwell on Inspiration and Infallibility
- New Versions and the Vulgate
- Waterworth's Council of Trent
- Schiller's Aesthetic Theory
- The Roman Church and Modern Society
- The Protective Policy
- The Presidential Nominations
- Origin and Constitution of Government
- No Church, no Reform
- Newman's Theory of Christian Doctrine
- Natural and Supernatural
- Mr. Calhoun and the Baltimore Convention.
- Methodist Quarterly Review
- Kant's Critic of Pure Reason-Part III
- Influence of the Jesuits on Religion and Civilization
- Hildreth's Theory of Morals
- Fourierism repugnant to Christianity
- Faith not possible without the Church
- Christian Ethics
- Come-outerism
- Church Unity and Social Amelioration
- Catholic Magazine and Ourselves
- Bishop Hopkins on Novelties
- The Anglican Church Schismatic
- Speech of Hon. Daniel Webster
- The Christian Examiner's Defence
- The Vision of Sir Launfal
- Shandy M'Guire; or Irish Liberty
- The Scarlet Letter
- The Saints of Servants of God
- The Republic of the United States
- Religion in Society
- The Presidential Veto
- Pius the Ninth
- Novel-writing and Novel-reading
- Nature and Faith
- College Conversations
- Mohammed
- The Mercersburg Theology
- Briancourt on Labor and Association
- Girard College
- The French Republic
- Dr. Jarvis's Reply to Dr. Milner
- The Cuban Expedition
- Demagoguism
- The Decline of Protestantism
- Dana's Poems and Prose Writings
- The Canon of the Scripture
- The Life and Speeches of John C. Calhoun
- Bushnell on the Trinity
- The Church Question
- Cooper's Ways of the Hour
- Bushnell on the Mystery of Redemption
- Admonitions to Protestants
- Authority and Liberty
- American Literature
- An a priori Autobiography
- Fletcher Webster on War and Loyalty
- Longfellow's Evangeline and Kavanagh
- Guevara on the Veneration of Images
- The Dublin Review on Developments
- Presbyterianism and the Holy Scriptures
- Recent Publications
- Untitled Resource
- Protestant Dissensions
- Transcendentalism--Concluded
- The Jesuits
- The Confessional
- Socialism and the Church
- De Maistre on Political Constitutions
- Channing on Christendom and Socialism
- Channing on the Church and Social Reform
- Madness of Antichristians
- Ireland, O'Connell, &c
- R. Hildreth's Joint Letter
- Bushnell on the Incarnation
- Juoffroy's Ethical System
- Modern Idolatry
- The British Reformation
- A Salve for the Bite of the Black Viper I
- Protestant Love of Liberty
- Native Americanism
- Native American Civility,--Religious Liberty, &c.
- Parkerism, or Infidelity
- Webster's Answer to Hulsemann
- Transcendentalism, or latest Form of Infidelity-Article II
- Transcendentalism, or latest Form of Infidelity-Part II
- Transcendentalism, or latest Form of Infidelity
- Savonarola
- The Church against No-Church--Part II
- The Church against No-Church
- Hawkstone, or Oxfordism
- St. Dominic and the Albigenses
- Catholic Secular Literature
- Grantley Manor, or Popular Literature
- The Pentateuch
- Bushnellism : or Orthodoxy and Heresy identical
- Christianity and Heathenism
- Naomi: or Boston Two Hundred Years ago
- The Hungarian Nation
- Conservatism and Radicalism
- The Edinburgh Review on Ultramontane Doubts
- Gury's Moral Theology
- The Two Worlds, Catholic and Gentile
- Berkeley and Idealism
- Paganism and Education
- Continental Prospects
- The Great Question--Part II
- The Great Question
- Newman on the True Basis of Theology
- Willotoft, or Protestant Persecution
- Protestantism and Government
- Kossuth in New England
- Piractical Expeditions against Cuba
- Slavery and the War--Part II
- Slavery and the War
- The Annual Message of the President
- Dangers of Jesuit Instruction
- Sick Calls
- Introductory Remarks, Boston Quarterly Review, Jan. 1838
- The End of the Eighteenth Volume
- The Works of Daniel Webster
- Saint-Bonnet on Social Restoration
- Austria and Hungary
- "The Reformation" in Ireland
- The Existence of God
- Professor Park Against Catholicity--Part II
- Professor Parker Against Catholicity
- Vincenzo Gioberti
- Slavery and the Mexican War
- The Church a Historical Fact
- Bishop England's Works
- John O'Brien
- The Fugitive Slave Law
- The Late Bishop of Boston
- The Mortara Case
- The American Almanac and Repository of Useful Knowledge for 1851
- Rights and Duties
- Kant's Critic of Pure Reason--Part II
- Kant's Critic of Pure Reason--Part 1
- The Conclusion of the Boston Quarterly Review
- The Banquet of Theodulus
- The Presbyterian Confession of Faith
- Thornwell Against Infallibility
- The Hungarian Rebellion
- Civil and Religious Toleration
- Religious Novels
- Reason and Revelation
- A Salve for the Bite of the Black Viper II
- In Memoriam, Orestes A. Brownson
- Legitimacy and Revolutionism,--Conservatism and Reform
- Resolutions adopted by the Democratic National Convention at Baltimore, June 1, 1852
- Bancroft's History of the United States
- The Laboring Classes
- Defense of the article "The Laboring Classes"
- The Works of Orestes A. Brownson Volume 2
- From Protestantism to the Catholic Church
- The Vision and Vocation of Orestes Brownson
- Faith and Reason, Revelation and Science
- Introduction to Brownson's Quarterly Review, January, 1844
- Free Religion
- Rome and the World
- Rome or Reason
- Philosophy of the Supernatural
- Untitled Resource
- A Discourse on the True Idea of the State as a Religious Institution
- A History of the Irish Settlers in North American, from the Earliest Period to the Census of 1850
- Obituary: New York Times 1876
- Archbishop Hughes on the Catholic Press
- Approbation of Brownson by all the American Bishops Attending the Council of Baltimore
- Necessity of Liberal Education
- Burnett's Path to the Church
- The Yankee in Ireland
- Ailey Moore
- Froschammer on the Freedom of Science
- Beecher's Norwood
- Religious Novels, and Woman Versus Man
- The Scholar's Mission
- Capes's Four Years' Experience
- Use and Abuse of Reading
- Introduction to the Last Series
- Lacordaire and Catholic Progress
- National Greatness
- 7. Philosophy
- Listing of Every Article Appearing in Brownson's Quarterly Review
- 6. Civil and Religious Liberty
- 5. Political Economy
- 4. The United States
- 3. The Sciences
- 2. Education
- Brownson's Views by Benziger Brothers
- Reform and Conservatism
- The Episcopal Observer Verses the Church
- Catholicity Necessary to Sustain Popular Liberty
- Free Labor
- The Higher Law
- Catholic Schools and Education
- Napoleonic Ideas
- The Conflict of Science and Faith
- The Family, Christian and Pagan
- Liberalism and Catholicity
- Protestant Journalism
- Faith and the Sciences
- Science and the Sciences
- Catholics of England and Ireland
- Political Constitutions
- Spiritual Despotism
- Literary Policy of the Church of Rome
- Philosophy and Catholicity
- Philosophy of the Supernatural
- Papal Conspiracy Exposed
- The Nature and Office of the Church
- St. Peter and Mahomet; or the Popes Protecting Christendom from Mahometanism
- What is the Need of Revelation?
- Reason and Religion
- The Recent Election
- Luther and the Reformation
- The Church Above the State
- In Dark Days
- The Woman Question, Part 1
- Slavery and the Church
- Religion and Science
- Native Americans
- Women's Novels
- Whose is the Child?
- Valedictory
- A Tribute to the Death of Brownson
- The Syllabus of Pius IX
- The Suffrage Party in Rhode Island
- Ralph Waldo Emerson's Poems
- Government
- Pope and Emperor
- The Political State of the Country
- Pere Felix on Progress
- Miss Fuller and Reformers
- Manning's Lectures
- The Licentiousness of the Press
- An Imaginary Contradiction
- Etudes De Theologie
- Constitutional Law
- Carlyle's French Revolution
- Thornwell's Answer to Dr. Lynch
- Bits of Blarney
- Answer to Objections
- Love, Literature and Marriage
- The Catholic Press
- Moral and Social Influence of Devotion to Mary
- Saint Worship - Part 17
- Saint Worship - Part 16
- Saint Worship - Part 15
- Saint Worship - Part 14
- Saint Worship - Part 13
- Saint Worship - Part 12
- Saint Worship - Part 11
- Saint Worship - Part 10
- Saint Worship - Part 9
- Saint Worship - Part 8
- Saint Worship - Part 7
- Saint Worship - Part 6
- Saint Worship - Part 5
- Saint Worship - Part 4
- Saint Worship - Part 3
- Saint Worship - Part 2
- Saint Worship - Part 1
- Saint Worship
- The Public School System
- Mary Worship
- Darwin's Descent of Man
- The Child Part 3
- The Child Part 2
- The Child Part 1
- The Child
- Democratic Principle
- Origin of Civilization